Medusa is one of three Gorgon sisters who are described as monstrous creatures with wings atop their heads, snakes for hair, and piercing teeth. Only Medusa was mortal, and in some interpretations quite alluring. Ethnographically, Medusa is tethered to Ethiopian or Northern African roots. In Ovid and Hesiod’s interpretation of the tale, Medusa is the high priestess of Athena’s temple with exceedingly long, luxurious hair. Having caught the eye and libido of Poseidon, Medusa is raped inside the temple by the g-d of the sea and horses. Disgusted and appalled at this heinous act, Athena decided to punish Medusa instead of the elder g-d with a curse that transformed her beautiful hair into snakes and gave her the ability to turn any man into stone with just a glance.
On a hero’s journey to vanquish the creature, Perseus’ quest led him to the cave where Medusa lurked. His task: behead the creature and deliver it to Polydectes, a man who had wooed Perseus’s mother into blind trust. Encroaching upon Medusa as she slept, Perseus beheaded the creature and from the open wound, the winged horse Pegasus, and his brother, Chrysaor, were born – products of rape. Upon revealing Medusa’s prized head to Polydectes, he is turned to stone as her curse was still in effect. Used as a tool and symbol for justice, Medusa’s head would become an icon placed on Athena’s shield.
DO NOT BREAK YOUR GAZE! Stare into the mystique of Medusa’s Metamorphosis and be transfixed to stone. As your aesthetic eye ravages the panel, embrace in the solidarity of heroism and sacrifice.
I am a storyteller that creates grand narrative altarpieces. In Medusa’s Metamorphosis, I feature Medusa as a divine being expressing the virtues of life and survival. This work serves as an allegory about character evolution from victim to victor with the titular character caught mid- transformation into the next stage nature has nurtured.
Dani Papa
"Medusa's Metamorphosis"
Graphite, India Ink, Acrylic Paint, Blackest Black 3.0 Paint, Gold Leaf, Silver Leaf, Aerosol, Metallic Gold Marker, Acrylic Paint Marker, Construction Adhesive, Mirror Pieces, Gesso, Modeling Paste, Plaster Casts on Birch Panel
96" x 48"